Configure Filter

Modified on 2016/08/18 13:45 by Rob Erickson (Plus500) — Categorized as: Uncategorized


  1. Filter Type Left click in the value area to configure the type of options and/or strategies to see when this view is selected.

      Option Greeks:

      delta, vega, gamma, theta, OEs etc... are filtered using absolute value.
      Example: You only want to see options and strategies with a delta between -.10 and +.10. You would select Delta as the filter type, click on the FilterEditor, then select the Between operator, and configure the UpperBound to +.10. Notice, the LowerBound is set to 0, not -.10

      Last Trade Time:

      Configured using number of seconds.
      Example: You only want to see options and strategies that have traded in the last 10 minutes. You would select Last Trade Time as the filter type, click on the FilterEditor, then select the LessThan operator, and configure the Filter Value to 600 (10 minutes = 600 seconds).

      Strategy Templates:

      Select which type of option strategies you want to see.
      Example: You only want to see Straddles and Strangles. You would select T4 Template as the filter type, click on the FilterEditor and then the Filter Value, check off only the Straddle and Stranlge list items.
  2. Filter Editor Left click in the value area to bring up the filter editor. configure the specific values/range to see for the selected Filter Type.

  3. Image

  4. Operator Left click in the value area to configure. The operator can be set to
      Equal to
      Not equal to
      Greater than
      Less than
      Greater than or equal to
      Less than or equal to
  5. Filter Value Left click in the value area to configure the filter value. Note Time is measured in seconds. The minimum value is 0